Topic models

Topics models are unsupervised document classification techniques. By modeling distributions of topics over words and words over documents, topic models identify the most discriminatory groups of documents automatically.

corp_news <- download("data_corpus_guardian")

We will select only news articles published in 2016 using corpus_subset() and the year function from the lubridate package.

corp_news_2016 <- corpus_subset(corp_news, year(date) == 2016)
## [1] 1959

Further, after removal of function words and punctuation in dfm(), we will only keep the top 20% of the most frequent features (min_termfreq = 0.8) that appear in less than 10% of all documents (max_docfreq = 0.1) using dfm_trim() to focus on common but distinguishing features.

toks_news <- tokens(corp_news_2016, remove_punct = TRUE, remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_symbol = TRUE)
toks_news <- tokens_remove(toks_news, pattern = c(stopwords("en"), "*-time", "updated-*", "gmt", "bst"))
dfmat_news <- dfm(toks_news) %>% 
              dfm_trim(min_termfreq = 0.8, termfreq_type = "quantile",
                       max_docfreq = 0.1, docfreq_type = "prop")

quanteda does not implement topic models, but you can fit LDA and seeded-LDA with the seededlda package.


k = 10 specifies the number of topics to be discovered. This is an important parameter and you should try a variety of values and validate the outputs of your topic models thoroughly.

tmod_lda <- textmodel_lda(dfmat_news, k = 10)

You can extract the most important terms for each topic from the model using terms().

terms(tmod_lda, 10)
##       topic1      topic2       topic3    topic4     topic5    topic6    
##  [1,] "oil"       "corbyn"     "son"     "officers" "clinton" "refugees"
##  [2,] "markets"   "johnson"    "parents" "violence" "sanders" "brussels"
##  [3,] "prices"    "leadership" "felt"    "prison"   "cruz"    "talks"   
##  [4,] "investors" "boris"      "park"    "victims"  "hillary" "french"  
##  [5,] "shares"    "shadow"     "room"    "sexual"   "obama"   "summit"  
##  [6,] "rates"     "jeremy"     "love"    "abuse"    "trump's" "refugee" 
##  [7,] "banks"     "tory"       "mother"  "criminal" "bernie"  "migrants"
##  [8,] "trading"   "doctors"    "story"   "officer"  "ted"     "turkey"  
##  [9,] "quarter"   "junior"     "father"  "crime"    "rubio"   "benefits"
## [10,] "sector"    "khan"       "knew"    "incident" "senator" "asylum"  
##       topic7       topic8     topic9       topic10      
##  [1,] "sales"      "syria"    "australia"  "climate"    
##  [2,] "apple"      "isis"     "australian" "water"      
##  [3,] "customers"  "military" "labor"      "energy"     
##  [4,] "google"     "islamic"  "turnbull"   "food"       
##  [5,] "users"      "un"       "budget"     "development"
##  [6,] "technology" "syrian"   "funding"    "gas"        
##  [7,] "games"      "forces"   "housing"    "drug"       
##  [8,] "game"       "muslim"   "senate"     "medical"    
##  [9,] "iphone"     "peace"    "education"  "hospital"   
## [10,] "app"        "china"    "coalition"  "patients"

You can then obtain the most likely topics using topics() and save them as a document-level variable.

head(topics(tmod_lda), 20)
## text136751 text136585 text139163 text169133 text153451 text163885 text157885 
##    topic10     topic2     topic7     topic3     topic4    topic10     topic3 
## text173244 text137394 text169408 text184646 text127410 text134923 text169695 
##     topic2     topic9     topic3     topic2     topic4     topic2     topic1 
## text147917 text157535 text177078 text174393 text181782 text143323 
##     topic3     topic7    topic10     topic3     topic3     topic2 
## 10 Levels: topic1 topic2 topic3 topic4 topic5 topic6 topic7 topic8 ... topic10
# assign topic as a new document-level variable
dfmat_news$topic <- topics(tmod_lda)

# cross-table of the topic frequency
##  topic1  topic2  topic3  topic4  topic5  topic6  topic7  topic8  topic9 topic10 
##     200     218     233     236     192      83     204     185     191     210

Seeded LDA

In the seeded LDA, you can pre-define topics in LDA using a dictionary of “seed” words.

# load dictionary containing seed words
dict_topic <- dictionary(file = "../dictionary/topics.yml")
## Dictionary object with 5 key entries.
## - [economy]:
##   - market*, money, bank*, stock*, bond*, industry, company, shop*
## - [politics]:
##   - lawmaker*, politician*, election*, voter*
## - [society]:
##   - police, prison*, school*, hospital*
## - [diplomacy]:
##   - ambassador*, diplomat*, embassy, treaty
## - [military]:
##   - military, soldier*, terrorist*, marine, navy, army

The number of topics is determined by the number of keys in the dictionary. Next, we can fit the seeded LDA model using textmodel_seededlda() and specify the dictionary with our relevant keywords.

tmod_slda <- textmodel_seededlda(dfmat_news, dictionary = dict_topic)

Some of the topic words are seed words, but the seeded LDA identifies many other related words.

terms(tmod_slda, 20)
##       economy       politics      society     diplomacy   military    
##  [1,] "markets"     "clinton"     "hospital"  "refugees"  "military"  
##  [2,] "banks"       "sanders"     "prison"    "syria"     "labor"     
##  [3,] "oil"         "cruz"        "schools"   "brussels"  "australian"
##  [4,] "energy"      "obama"       "violence"  "isis"      "corbyn"    
##  [5,] "climate"     "hillary"     "officers"  "talks"     "australia" 
##  [6,] "sales"       "trump's"     "hospitals" "un"        "turnbull"  
##  [7,] "prices"      "bernie"      "victims"   "syrian"    "johnson"   
##  [8,] "stock"       "ted"         "cases"     "french"    "budget"    
##  [9,] "food"        "rubio"       "sexual"    "turkey"    "leadership"
## [10,] "rates"       "senator"     "drug"      "islamic"   "cabinet"   
## [11,] "sector"      "gun"         "officer"   "border"    "shadow"    
## [12,] "banking"     "politicians" "abuse"     "aid"       "funding"   
## [13,] "businesses"  "primary"     "crime"     "summit"    "coalition" 
## [14,] "investors"   "race"        "facebook"  "refugee"   "senate"    
## [15,] "housing"     "elections"   "medical"   "migrants"  "terrorist" 
## [16,] "shares"      "kasich"      "child"     "agreement" "boris"     
## [17,] "costs"       "candidates"  "mental"    "forces"    "doctors"   
## [18,] "average"     "delegates"   "died"      "military"  "tory"      
## [19,] "development" "photograph"  "parents"   "russian"   "parties"   
## [20,] "trading"     "supporters"  "mother"    "asylum"    "jeremy"

topics() returns dictionary keys as the most likely topics of documents.

head(topics(tmod_slda), 20)
## text136751 text136585 text139163 text169133 text153451 text163885 text157885 
##    economy   military    economy    society    society    economy   politics 
## text173244 text137394 text169408 text184646 text127410 text134923 text169695 
##   military   military    society   military    society   military    economy 
## text147917 text157535 text177078 text174393 text181782 text143323 
##    society    economy    economy   politics    society   military 
## Levels: economy politics society diplomacy military
# assign topics from seeded LDA as a document-level variable to the dfm
dfmat_news$topic2 <- topics(tmod_slda)

# cross-table of the topic frequency
##   economy  politics   society diplomacy  military 
##       479       219       633       233       388